Dream Interpretation for Nonsense Dreams

Recently, I did a Facebook Live on the topic of dreams. A woman asked me, “How do you know if it’s a nonsense dream or a real dream.” At first, I was taken aback by the question, yet quickly realized that I have a lot more experience in interpreting dreams than she did. Would you like to know the answer?

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Here was my answer, “There is no such thing as nonsense dreams as all dreams have meanings. You just have to learn how to understand their messages.” Granted, this is not an overnight process.

Example of a Nonsense Dream

So, if you have a dream that you’re dressed in a cheerleader’s outfit doing Kung Fu while taking a shower. It has meaning!

I highly doubt you will find your interpretation that dream in a dream app or dictionary.


Okay, are you wondering how could that dream have any possible meaning? Here’s one interpretation:

You need to learn how to cleanse yourself of always being a cheerleader to everyone and learn how to protect yourself against inappropriate people. Like I said all dreams have meanings.

The Complexity of Dream Interpretation 

Now, I understand how this can be frustrating to some of you. And perhaps you’re wondering why dreams aren’t shown more simple like the way things are in your waking life. This quote from my book, Learn the Secret Language of Dreams sums it up nicely:

There is no denial in the dreamtime, only subconscious and spiritual truths.

Pamela Cummins author - dream interpreter

In other words, every human being has a blanket of denial to protect us from a painful reality. Or we keep ourselves too busy to avoid looking within. Our dreams of the nighttime uses code to help us process our daytime reality and are from a Higher Source that uses spiritual language. Your job is to figure out that language.

Dream Interpretation Services

Dream Interpretation for Nonsense Dreams

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